
October 19, 2011

What I have been up to…

It’s been a short while since my last posting. I’ve been busy with the reorganizing of the studio, classes, building a new website and getting ready to announce the release of my first two books and videos on the Language of the Face - emotional expressiveness for actors; The two books are Emotional Alignment and Nail That Reaction! and here’s what you have to look forward to in each book and the accompanying videos:

Emotional Alignment guides you through a process to determine where you are in the creating and revealing of emotion. It will also give you the tools to deal with any distortion there might be. It also covers the 7 universal emotions, the triggers, sensation and impulses and what they look and feel like on your face from the subtle to most extreme.

Nail that Reaction! teaches you how to interpret directions, sides or copy in such a way as to come up with a real, appropriate, recognizable reaction each time on demand. Using resonators and sounds you will locate, isolate and activate, each of the individual muscle groups distinct to each emotion so as to discover the various meanings of each group, the different levels of intensity of each emotion as well as what they look and feel like on your face. It’s filled with drills and reactions spots for you to work on. Nailing the Reaction Shot is a must for any actor who wants to work on-camera. Especially the commercial actor since the majority of auditions you go on demand some kind of reaction.

In the next couple of weeks I will be posting my release date for the books and videos, some samples and discounts for those who get on my mailing list.

Also, if you sign-up for our mailing list you will not only get notified with the newest posting but you will also get my video on the ‘4 things you must do to nail that reaction and book the job.’

Moving on. For the past several months I have been blogging about why so many actors have a distortion between what they feel and what they reveal and how these distortions may be preventing them from getting a callback or booking the job. This, in short, has been all about emotional alignment. In my next few blogs I will be moving on to the revealing of emotions and opinions in the form of a reaction shot, reacting and the emotional condition.

In order to keep this blog more interactive, post a comment, or send me an email to - ask your question or share your reaction audition experience with us.