
July 4, 2011

It's all in the eyes: Myth or Fact?

There seems to be a lot of controversy, a lot of casting directors, acting coaches & photographers saying “It’s all in the eyes.” Is this a myth or a fact? Let us know, do you think it’s a myth, a fact or are you undecided?


  1. As an acting coach, casting director and behavioral therapist, I would say it's not ALL in the eyes. If you were to watch an extreme close-up on the eyes of an individual who is sincerely expressing (with no audio), you would likely perceive only a general emotion. But if you widen out the frame to expose their entire face as they're expressing, you may get a more specific impression of their emotions. But if you widen out even more and include hand gestures, head tilts, posture and even rate of breathing, one's impression of the subject may change.
    I think the statement "it's all in the eyes" really means that they (eyes) can be a gauge as to the congruency, sincerity or truth of the actor.
    This is a good question. Perhaps you can video tape an actor (as I described above) as an experiment.

  2. Actually, I couldn't agree with you more! More of John's writing on this topic in a few weeks...we are trying to get a discussion going now.

    Thanks for your thoughts; let me know if you'd like to write something about the cross over between therapy and acting. We're looking to get more people's thoughts on the blog. Thanks! (


I look forward to hearing your thoughts and questions.