
June 10, 2011

The Job That Got Away

About 20 years ago, I was at an audition, working with a director who was trying to get me to do a specific emotional reveal (reaction). He loved everything but needed to get this specific moment from me.

He was coaching me with what I call ”romantic language,” words and stories intended to stimulate you. ”You just lost the love of your life” or ”you just booked the role of a lifetime,” etc. The language he used really stimulated me, but when I did the read, the response I got from him was a tight-lipped smile and ”thanks.” I failed to produce the reaction he wanted.

I was a trained actor who had worked before; why did I not have the tools to give him what he was asking for?

Although frustrated, the seed for my future work had been planted. I would come to realize that we don’t all speak the same emotional language. The images that director was giving impacted him one way and me another. Was the craft of acting that hit or miss?


Does anybody else have this experience or find themselves in a similar situation?  Post a comment and share with us "the job that got away."


  1. On a personal note, not posting as John's admin: I have been the runner-up for large film projects for about 3 years going; it's been immensely frustrating. The major problem that I have encountered is that in Boston, I am not trashy (townie) enough and in L.A., I am not classy enough to be getting the roles. I am sure that a large part of that has to do with my marketing, but I do remember an audition where the casting directors were looking for us to tell them a personal story (with relevance to a specific subject that I'd rather not publicly mention). I had the connection to the subject matter, but in my honesty and an attempt to connect with the audience, I dropped the facial tension I adopted (to make me seem more intense and townie-like). Casting stopped me mid-story and asked me to start over, adding in the facial tension...well, they said "in character," but the sentiment remains the same. I don't quite know why I lost the gig, if it was due to my facial features or my facial tension, but suffice to say, I was pissed that I didn't get to play one of the sisters in The Fighter.

  2. For me, I kick myself because I knew I could or should have asked the Director one question that would have made me clearer on what he was looking for - so that I could get closer to what he wanted, at a minimum, create an exchange with him. However at that very moment I couldn't gather enough courage to "own me"!

    I still remember, leaving that callback with an experience and great lesson I now carry with me - I have a right to be clear and I am NOT willing to sabotage myself like that again just trying to be the actor who wants to "please" by making believe I "got it"- which I have identified is one of my biggest self-imposed roadblocks.


I look forward to hearing your thoughts and questions.